WordPress is one of the best and most versatile content management systems availabile because it’s easy to use.
It is 100% customizable, Easy to use, It’s functionality can be extended easily via plugins, most of which are free or very reasonably priced. Lastly, clients may seek to have a website that they can access and maintain after design and development efforts are completed. WordPress gives them that ability. Due to WordPress’ robust features, many of the top brands and small businesses use WordPress to power their websites.
3 websites that will be great candidates to be created in WordPress are;
1. The LA Times because it’s layout is similar to The New Yorker, which uses WordPress. The function of the LA Times is to provide news articles that have a somewhat static structure.
2. The Swedish website is built using WordPress. It seems to be articles about Sweden with big background images. According to Sweden.se About site, “It is publicly funded and produced, developed, maintained and operated by the Swedish Institute (SI).” Because it is such a nice layout that is easy to use I thought of Mexico.mx which is slower and clunky. Mexico.mx should consider using WordPress to create a better user experience.
3. Finally Tomos could use WordPress because their website is slow and does not have a good user expirence which is important when selling products. Since Mercedes Benz uses WordPress, and Completly out sells Tomos, they should consider switching to WordPress.