This week I completed my first clients blog. As a new and learning web developer I completed my task but was not satisfied with my end result. I looked for inspiration to improve my personal development and growth in the tech industry, and found it in the 3 following websites.
The first website I found via awwwards.com was helloMonday.com. I noticed the UX was unfriendly for new users because of it unfamiliar layout. It felt a bit overwhelming as if it had too much technology or too much going on all at the same time. But the interactive content like animation and mouse controllable content were cool. The website is not just a static presentation but a medium to grab attention and let users interact with the content. Vs. Apps.ua/en I enjoyed the Ux on apps.ua/en it was visually pleasing it seemed transparent and told a story in just one long scroll. Less is more and the clean design allow the website to load faster and gives an elegant impression. It’s simplicity and color pallet are pleasing the transition was smooth, organic and soothing to the eyes versus the digital aspect of hellomonday.com which was too clunky. Similarly elegantseagulls.com used parallax scrolling, the animated pictures and video in conjunction with their scrolling was off putting because you don’t expect their heads to shift and the positions they begin in was strange. But the UX was familiar so I enjoyed the layout and design of the website over all.