After reading about dark patterns in UX, I understand there is more to the common website then meets the eye. Like television, certain design styles and advertising take place.
Now to what degree from what I’ve learned is what surprised me.
My first client blog would have improved had I known UX design process I would have implemented Them during my time with my client. While I met with her I did draw out a wireframe with font style and overall look of the website. But had I known the proper questions and format to go about building a client blog I would have used them. I believe I lacked communication with my client because I was focused on building a great site. Connecting and updating my client would have better served me during the build.
So my understanding of UX, IA and UI differ, I tend to lean towards UX because I enjoy solving problems help others and help them streamline their time while online. The idea of best practices in design is extremely important to me. IA or information architecture, is about structuring content. While UI or User interface is what the users see and interact with such as color layout and is more design focused vs UX which is more analytical. Over all each position could potentially work together on a team and collaborate to create a website or app. Current design trends suggest customers want, instant helpful and capable resources.